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Not since the beginnings of Spy Magazine have I read such a neccessary and welcome publication.
Graydon Carter, Editor, Vanity Fair

Volume 3


The Snoooze Archive...

The Empathy hairdo, much like the Empathy Belly...

Response to Empathy Hairdo by Mensch "Mullet" Freborg

Squirrels, They're Getting Closer

Table Feels Violated After Local Move -- She Lost Her Slats!

Toenailology: Much like Astrology, only this analyzes your feet, rather than Uranus

Art and Culture

Artists in the Brush -- How Fine is Fine Art?

Son Jean, by Renoir. Yes, his hair is tied in a bow...

Auguste Renoir Artist or lonely man in woods with paint brush?

The Sims Changed My Life! How a loser turned around to find a lifetime of fullfillment

The New and Improved Testament
Bible found in Cave

In depth report: The link between Leggs Eggs and artificial breasts. How women raised in the 70's have been manipulated by the plastics industry.
Who Needs Sillycone!

Piece? Peace? Give me piece, or give me death!

Politics and Current Affairs

Mensch's Corner
Renegade Amish Mastermind Martha Stewart Prison Break
Renegade Amish Respond to Call for Homeland Defense
Brief intro to old German Script

Mensch's Cousin's Corner
Gay High, Hello Happiness!

Who the heck is Mensch?

Jokes and Ways to Prepare for Law School

Tea joke contest winners
Why was the lady teabag late for the party?

Ethnic food joke contest winners
What happens when you eat too much tahini?

Going to Law School? Prepare at The Snooze Los Angeles Style!
L.A.S.A.T. Formal Logic Test, Round 1
L.A.S.A.T. Round 2
L.A.S.A.T.Faulty Logic Questions, Round 3


Lentango, looks for panty line... and ends up at thesnooze?!?!
What is this?

The History of Visible Panty Line, Through the Ages and Through the Clothes
inspired by late night surfing scientist Mr. Lentango, a NASA employee ... Hmm... the joys of telnetting log files...)
(Beware! It's 36 pages and the only way out is through...)

Is the internet really a man's place?


Do you still think the Snooze website does not have enough fun?
press THIS

So you think thesnooze is dorky?

Well then, read about me. A Letter from the President

Or him Classic Texts for the Modern Age

Or sing to Gershwin?

Oh boy. Getting down to slim pickin's.

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